Tracing the parallel port is in general much more difficult than tracing
scsi. There are several reasons for this:
- Most access is done direct, so you can not plug in some logging stuff.
- The timing is sometimes cruical. Low level debuggers like softice
change this when logging port i/o.
- You can not use a second parallel port for tracing because you are
to slow to see everything
There are several solutions to solve those problems.
- Insert a logging dll between the program and the actual dll
- Use special patched WINE
- use a logic analyzer
- use softice
- buy a scsi scanner
In our case, the low level stuff is done through a vxd. Therefore WINE and
the dll stuff is not working.
Following commands were used:
macro dumpit ="db C004A000 L6020;ed C004A000 C004A010;f C004A000 L6000 00; x"
bpx vpm2xd+19f8 if *(C004A000)>=C0050000 do "dumpit"
bpx vpm2xd+1837 if *(C004A000)>=C0050000 do "dumpit"